Joseph Forkin - President
President - Delaware River Waterfront Corporation
Jeanne Scandura - Vice President
Architect & Landscape Architect, Floatland Design
Phillipa Ashby - Treasurer
Transformation Consultant
Ryan Kelly - Secretary
Esquire, Cozen O’Connor
Colin Burke
Esquire - Kline & Specter
Scott Heppard
District Chief of Staff, Rep. Brendan Boyle
Andrew Johnson
Former Watershed Protection Program Director; William Penn Foundation
Maria McColgan
Associate Professor; Rowan University
Leigh Ann Campbell, PLA
Director of Planning, Preservation and Property Management
Philadelphia Parks & Recreation
Honorable Mike Driscoll (Ex-Officio)
Philadelphia Councilman - 6th District
Ross Lance Mitchell
Executive Director
215-632-5330 x10
Scott Reynolds
Business Manager
215-632-5330 x11
Robert DiTomasso
Environmental Program Manager
215-632-5330 x14
Isabel Brown
Arts & Culture Program Officer
215-632-5330 x13
Tina Acuna
Development & Marketing Manager
215-632-5330 x15
Alyse James
Community Engagement Manager
215-632-5330 x18
Colleen Winslow
Environmental Program Coordinator
215-632-5330 x12
Charles Labb
Preservation Caretaker
215-632-5330 x16
John Charlton
Site Supervisor
Heidi Weinstein
Educator of Lily P.A.D.S.,
a program for young children.
215-632-5330 x17
Contact us.
Glen Foerd’s business office:
(215) 632-5530
5001 Grant Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19114